After reading many posts on Facebook today, many of my friends will be posting a reason they are thankful every day for the next 30 days. While I applaud the ideal, I can only read so many posts of parents being thankful for their kids, wives/husbands being thankful for their spouses, etc. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the sentiment, but after awhile it just seems typical, boring, same ol'-same ol'. I haven't been wow'd by any one's prose yet. Sometimes it is nice to hear about being thankful for the little things. I guess that can get hokey too. Oh well...
Spent the day with hubby today. With it being the day after Halloween we spent the morning shopping for next year's props at clearance prices. Hubby loves his Halloween. I don't have the heart to deny him any of his purchases. He lets me indulge the rest of the year. I'm just grateful that he is at least waiting for after the holiday to make his big purchases in order to save some money. Ah! A reason to be thankful. Check!
Had to make a run to Petco to return my dead fish. I was very appreciative to the salesperson the day before when I was buying decorations for the fish tank that she proactively explained to me that all of their fish had a 30 day warranty. (Another reason to be thankful!) I had mentioned to her earlier that I had purchased an Elephant Ear Betta fish the day before and decided to "pretty up" his tank. The fish seemed to be a little antsy to me. I guess he didn't like his purple rocks and bright plants. When I woke this morning, he had buried his face at the base of the tall plastic plant and died. I choose not to think that he committed suicide, but honestly, I don't know if his behavior wasn't some form of fishy anxiety attack.
Those darn Elephant Ear Bettas are expensive, so after going back to the store to get a refund, I decided to spend an hour in the Betta department to scout out my replacement. While I was drawn to the pretty fish, I really wanted a fish with some personality. I currently have a Betta that I purchased a few weeks ago. Believe it or not, he is very friendly. He sits by my computer, stares at me when he wants food, and swims around entertaining me. He doesn't do much, but I swear he likes me. I wanted to find another fish like him. My hours had to picking up and returning many a Betta, until I started looking at the very plain but attentive female Betta. She is mostly pale with some red. However her eyes look like she is wearing lots of eyeliner and she kept looking at me, as if pleading for me to pick her over the others. I was already leaning toward choosing a baby Betta - Petco's version of a grab bag. Don't know what type of Betta it is or if it is a boy or girl, but buy it for a couple of bucks, wait a few weeks, and with some research, discover what you end up with. This little baby was very attentive too. After looking at the prices, I discovered I could buy both fish, and still walk away with a sizable refund. Hmmm...females and babies not being as expensive as a pretty male, who'd have thunk it? Anyway, I am very happy with my new friends. They already recognize me and wait at the top of the tank for their next helping of freeze dried bloodworms. Yuck...
So, I'm content. Little girl had her All County orchestra tryout, but she is confident that she didn't make it sense she messed up on her piece. Little boy is excited to vote tomorrow. This will be his first election. Embarassed to say, it will be mine as well (and hubby), so it will be a family event going to the voting booths for the first time.
I'm waiting to see if I am offered a job back at the company that I left last year. While grateful (Thanks again!) that I had time off to work through my grief, I really need a job. Financially we are doing ok, but we have NO benefits. No insurance. Nothing. I need all of that back. I can't believe how all of that worries me more than the money. Don't know how I will feel if I get a decline. No, I know. I'll feel miserable. This is the first job I've applied to that I know that I will enjoy doing AND I know I can do very well at. I guess we will see. I'm suppose to hear an answer by tomorrow, but delays are always good news. Means they are declining everyone else before they offer to you. PLEASE let it be me.
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