Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mood: Relieved; Accomodating
Currently listening to: Love & Understanding - Cher

Changed the background on my work PC to an animated gif of balloons rising, on a continuous loop. Not a good idea. Quickly changed it to a presset Windows XP background of a view of yellow tulips from the ground. Much better.
After picking up Luc from Track practice yesterday afternoon, I began my journey of searching for a suit/tux for him to take his date for the weekend's prom. I had already promised myself to stay within a budget of $200 -- which was already taking out of his father's birthday celebration this Sunday. I pestered Luc to call his date to have her send a pic of her dress to my cell phone so I could see the colors. So texted back to say that she had to attend a family weekend that weekend & would not be going to prom after all. She thanked my son for offering to go with her & left it at that. While turning my car around from heading to the local Men's Wearhouse, I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I was no longer going to have to stress about prom & all of the issues that come with it. After that, I realized I needed to make sure that Luc was OK with this, since I sensed deep down he was looking forward to the date. He told me he was fine it. He could now go to the Track Meet Saturday. All in all, this was a good practice run for next year when he will -- no -- might go next year when he is a Junior. I just have to remember all of this come next February. Price of the prom ticket, corsage for the date, renting of the tuxedo, paying for dinner, transportation, etc. Yeah, he's going to need a job.
Tori is my next hurdle. Her dance is tonight. Said I might buy her a new dress, but I'm not too sure now. She does need another dress. I'll have to see what time her dance starts to see if I have time to run to the store to get one for her. Of course, I could always go to Kohls...or Target.

OK -- now to talk about me. My plans this weekend. Watch my son's track meet. Haven't done that yet. He's been keeping me at arms-length. Probably because he isn't the best runner...his words...not mine. However, the fact the he is doing so much outside of the box is thrilling for me. I'm looking forward to cheering him on - hoping he doesn't see me as an embarassment. He wants me to take him to the meet later & not ride the bus with his team, however, I'm making him take the bus. Told him to bring things with him to occupy his time & he needs to support his team. I am so proud of my little boy...but again, I reverted back to my kids. It's ME time.
This weekend, preparing for Scotty's birthday. I really enjoy doing things like this. Unfortunately I haven't quite gotten it right when celebrating it. I like to surprise, but Scotty doesn't like to be surprised. Well, that's not exactly right. He likes surprises, he just doesn't make it easy to do them since he questions everything & turns down-right grouchy. He can't even get into the spirit when I tell him to "chill" and "expect the unexpected". If things aren't good this year, I give up. I will have lost the joy to do it for him anymore. He doesn't even like to work together when planning for the kids. OK -- my mood is starting to shift. Time to change the subject.
I was going to have a radio installed in his car this weekend so he could have an early present. He no longers will right in the ... just got a phone's him. He was returning a phone call I had made earlier, checking to see if Tori was home already. He said he was out, just went to Red Robin to get his free B-day burger. That was something I signed him up for. I told him specifically we could go there for his B-day. He didn't want to...even though it is one of the few places the kids will eat. Said that we could go there for lunch. The a$$hole went by himself to pick up the f*cking burger! joy planning for him is officially one. I feel like crying now. Why is he such an asshole? It's not like Red Robin is down the's a 20 minute drive. Only 5 minutes from my work. He did it on purpose...and I know that coupon wasn't due to expire any time soon.

I'm home now. It took seeing my babies to calm me down. Tori is ready to come home from her dance. She went with a friend -- her "date" cancelled on her too. Hope this is not going to be a trend. LOL

I just need to get over myself. I'll try to reexamine myself tomorrow. Time to watch a little recorded Two & a Half Men. or Will & Grace...or Friends... :)

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