Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 14:00 EST

Mood: Overwhelmed & emotional

Was told last night by my 15 year-old son that he was asked to the prom by a Junior. Apparently she asked him almost 2 weeks ago, but he didn't bother to ask me until last night. Telling him he cannot go is not an option for two reasons:

  • My unusually introverted, shy son, made a point to ask. If he didn't want to go he wouldn't have even bothered. That's a big deal for me to see him take the initiative.

  • I wasn't allowed to attend prom in high school. At the time I talked myself into thinking that was OK...but that was strictly a response to allow myself to function. I hated not being able to go. I don't want to deny my firstborn...plus I would love to experience prom through his eyes.

However, now I am at odds as to whether or not I do not have a choice to tell him he can go.

  • I'm broke. I hate saying that...but I'm broke. The money I loaned my husband by paying some of his bills was not repaid to me. The $$ that I do have, is already earmarked for other things, that has been accounted for weeks in advance. I can put things on my charge card...but I really don't want to do that. I'm weighing that option though.

  • Last minute tux rentals are grossly overpriced. If I can find a tux to fit him, it will cost me $130-180. My husband seems to think it is acceptable for him to wear a suit. Well, that costs money too. Hubby tends to forget that our son is not the same size he was at his age...so he can't wear one of his old suits. Besides, those suits are 15+ years old. If my son would be OK with it, the poor girl he is taking may not be as cool about it. However, Luc is asking her. I'll find out when he gets home after his track meet.

I had to decline going to an off-site with my team today because of the whole $$ situation. How embarassing is it for my supervisor to offer to pay for my lunch so I could go? I have the money to go, but how guilty will I feel when I am unable to follow through with my other commitments? I am so pissed @ the hubby for taking my money. I put mad money away just for these situations (prom ticket, lunch/movie for work, etc.) and he takes it. Then he tries to play it off that he didn't take it. A$$hole forgot that he already admitted it a week ago.

Now I'm trying to process all of this - the embarassment of being the ONLY one left at work; having to possibly disappoint my son; feeling guilt at having his girl-friend not having a date; planning when I need to go to one bank to move money to another. Many of these situations I cannot control, but for some reason I can't seem to stop the feelings that I need to correct it all.

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop...hoping that Tori doesn't come home irritated because of the drama at school. Scotty is already asking for a loan from my next paycheck. At this point, he can kiss his birthday gift/dinner good-bye. I feel like he is just taking advantage of me. I'm going to have to return from things I bought for myself this weekend just to make this prom thing happen. Now I'm just pissed.

Updated Mood: PISSED

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